Visitors to Andalusia are certainly aware that our gift shop carries more books by and about Flannery O'Connor than just about any place on earth. What is less well known is that we also sell high quality art photography of the farm, a sample of which is shown at the right. This aptly named picture of our front porch,
Come Sit a Spell, was taken by Milledgeville photographer, Maryllis Wolfgang. The framed and signed print sells for $200. For those with smaller budgets, we have notecards with the same picture in the gift shop for $3.00 each. As a good friend of the Foundation, Mrs. Wolfgang donates a portion of the proceeds from every picture she sells at Andalusia to us. If you are interested in learning more about Maryllis and her art, please visit her website
http://www.crazywcreations.com/ We think that you'll agree that her photos have a quality that captures the spirit of Andalusia. Finally, on a different topic, please note that the final lecture in February will take place this Sunday at First Presbyterian Church in downtown Milledgeville,
not at Andalusia. The lecture by composer Clyde Tipton starts at
4:30 and will feature musical excerpts from his mass for Flannery O'Connor. Refreshments will follow in the church's social hall. Please join us for this unique performance.
- Mark
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